SongHe’s Case Study
2200+ leads in 45 days at
less than $0.28 per lead.
Getting measurable KPI from marketing
This is the story of how our team at Leads
Global helped one of the biggest and oldest
rice brands in Singapore, Song He achieve
measurable KPI for their marketing dollars.
Work Involved
– Facebook ads
– Landing pages
– Email marketing
– Content writing
– Community management
The Challenge
Song He had a serious problem: they were spending tens of thousands of dollars on advertising campaigns but were not getting any measurable results. The company used to relied on mainstream media like TV, newspaper and magazine ads to boost their branding but as they progressed to the internet age, they were still bound to the same old 90’s marketing rules.
The agency that they hired to run their facebook campaigns were purely boosting posts and had no strategy and responsibilities to help them make the most of out their advertising dollars – in short, just spend. To help Song He, we need to came out with a more measurable marketing strategy and plan.
Our Solution
When Song He first came to us, they were just still in the old-school thinking of having a budget to spend on branding without measuring what impact it had on their sales. When they first started marketing on facebook with another agency, their main goal was just to build “likes” and boost their content posts.
After going through an in depth consultation, we managed to pinpoint the crux of the problem and set out to tackle them.
What we proposed after extensive research and planning was to set a list of KPI and goals for their marketing campaigns. One of the way we did this was to set aside a portion of their ad budget to spend on building a mailing list.
We build a giveaway landing page and ran facebook ads to drive sign-ups to their mailing list. At the same time we also help them create better content for their facebook page and maintain the community.
The Results
cost per lead