Mums Singapore
$530,000 sales in 6 months
at over 80% ROI
How we helped a local owned baby products
eCommerce platform generate massive amount of sales
on Google
Getting ready buyers on their store
This is the story of how our team at Leads Global
helped a baby products eCommerce store
generate 6 figures sales using Google Adwords.
Ongoing work involved:
– Google Adwords
The Challenge
Mum’s Singapore was spending 5 figures every month on Google Adwords and their campaign was managed by another agency. The sales generated were abysmal and they had a negative ROI for quite a few months.
They initially wanted to hire an in-house Google Adwords marketing executive where they eventually hired us.
The Solution
Our team went through an in-depth review of their previous campaigns and singled out the problems of it. Eventually we rebuilt more than 80% of the campaigns as they were not set up for sales.
We filtered out a lot of the campaigns that were not generating sales (like display ads) and focus the budget on sales generating campaigns.
We optimized and scale the campaigns along the way and were able to improve performance almost every single month.
The Results