5 Things That Will Kill Your Website Conversions

You have a business website but it isn’t getting traction or even losing conversions? If so, this post might be the most useful piece of information you’d be reading this morning, afternoon, or night – because we’ll be looking at the 5 main things that are actually killing your website conversion without you knowing.

Mobile Responsiveness

While most website could look great on monitor screens, most neglect to check how their site looks and perform on the various mobile devices.

Did you know that about 80% of traffic on websites is from mobile phones? This means, ignoring the mobile responsiveness of a web are losing way more than half of the targeted visitors.

Also according to Google, there are 61% chance visitors will leave the site, if the mobile version is difficult to navigate. On the contrary, if users have a positive interaction with the mobile site, they are 67% more likely to convert.

The reason being is that since it scales to fit any device, a mobile responsive site won’t require extra effort form the user, such as scrolling or zooming, etc. Though simple, these features will create a positive user experience – which increases conversions.

SSL Certificate

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security protocol for establishing encrypted links between a server and a browser in online communication. SSL is the backbone of any online business, as all data transmitted between the server and the browser remains encrypted a.k.a SAFE.

A website without SSL is obvious – the URL shows HTTP (instead of HTTPS, a secured version). Not only that, some of the biggest browsers are already pushing towards the use of HTTPS to ensure a safer internet environment, by labelling HTTP websites as ‘unsafe’ to users (examples below).

One of the first ways these warnings can affect your website is by raising concerns – a “not secure” warning will lead users to believe that it might be a scam, hacked or simply unworthy of trust. It will hurt your brand name in the long run too.

Another way your site could be impacted is in its Google rankings — SSL acts as a tiebreaker in the search engine results for Google. It was witnessed that websites doubled their search engine rankings, after switching to HTTPS.

Search engine rankings of non-SSL vs. SSL websites
In simpler words, SSL ensures that all sensitive data is sent safely across the internet. A website without an SSL certificate is most likely to lose potential customers because users will be prompted with the “not secured” warnings by major browsers. At the same time, it will significantly affect visibility on the search engine – of which all leads to one thing: killing conversions significantly.

Website Speed

You have added twice the information and user-friendly data than your competitors and set up everything to provide the user with the added value, but is your website fast enough?

Recently, Google did a research and it was that at least 53% of people will leave a mobile page if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.

Google also released their findings per below for our better understanding:

*Bounce rate = percentage of visits in which a user leaves a website from the landing page without browsing any further.

This is staggering as it will kill your website conversion and also lose a huge number of potential customers simply due to loading speed – something which can be easily fixed.

Web Design

Whether or not your website is eye-pleasing, it also plays a major role in conversion rates.

According to research by Stanford University, 46.1% of online users rated a website’s design as the top criteria to determine a company’s credibility. That’s not all – it was also found that 38% of users will leave a website immediately if the design is not ‘clean’ or professional’.

Left vs. right – which would you pick? Most would pick the clean & professional version on the right.

Though it’s a basic requirement, yet most websites fail to deliver the basics of a ‘clean’ and ‘professional’ look – which ultimately kills conversions. 

Persuasive Content

Aside from user experience design, having good content is also crucial for conversion optimization. You need to be able to create written contents that are persuasive.

Firstly, having good language command alone doesn’t guarantee good contents. In order to write the best web contents, writers should:

  • Utilizes appropriate keywords for search engine visibility.
  • Able to produce engaging contents in either bite-sized or long-form.
  • Able to increase the credibility of written contents through research.
  • Be able to come up with fresh and relevant content ideas.

Secondly, persuasive contents should also have a good storyline to evoke emotions in readers, which will persuade them to take action.

It may sound simple, yet it takes expertise to create persuasive copies that are effective for the website. Remember, the main goal of persuasive content is to trigger the potential customers to take action 👉 not only with clear and understandable copies, but also good story-telling.

 Good story-telling will have an emotional and factual effect on people, enticing them to take action.

The absence of persuasive contents on a website will ultimately kill conversions – because there’s nothing solid to persuade anyone. 


It may sound time-consuming, but once you address these issues, you’ll see results in no time. Also, while focusing on fixing the issues in your website, always keep your goals aligned, linear and clear – grow those conversion rates!

So what are you waiting for? Give it a try.

NOTE: Need a helping hand with your digital marketing efforts? Need proven, actionable marketing tools, and tactics to fill up seminars or that customer list of yours? Connect with us and you will be on your way to helping your business grow!